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الصفحة الرئيسية أخبار أخبار الشركة LEELEN won the "Top Ten Smart Home Brands" award

LEELEN won the "Top Ten Smart Home Brands" award

  • December 21, 2022

On November 24, the 2022 (Nineteenth) China Internet of Things Industry Conference and Brand Event hosted by HC Internet of Things, HC Security Network, and HC Electronics was held in Shenzhen. At this event, LEELEN was selected as one of the "Top Ten Smart Home Brands" in 2022 by virtue of its outstanding strength and excellent reputation. Brand selection is an industry-specific selection activity, known as the "industry vane", and has developed into one of the platforms to demonstrate the strength of corporate brands. This year's brand selection passed [400,000+ WeChat votes, 12 authoritative industry expert reviews, 500+ engineering surveys] and other links, and evaluated and scored from the aspects of enterprise scale, enterprise profitability, product/technical innovation ability, and brand awareness.


Deeply cultivating the smart track of the whole house, LEELEN has reached cooperation with many well-known technology companies. At the Huawei Developer Conference in early November, LEELEN was awarded the "Space Intelligent Solution Partner" certification. The two parties signed a cooperation agreement to further consolidate the ecological partnership and work together to promote the sustainable development of the whole house smart industry. In mid-November, at the 5th World Sound Expo and 2022 HKUST Xunfei Global 1024 Developers Festival, LEELEN was awarded the title of "HKUST Xunfei MORFEI Gold Partner". In the future, the two parties will carry out product-oriented research and development based on AI+voice core technology in the form of joint research and development.



Under the tide of digitalization, LEELEN relies on the "Internet of Things + Internet to form the digital operation service platform of LEELEN home clothes with Internet of services", comprehensively supports the four core business segments of smart community, smart home, smart office and smart health care, focuses on the four core categories of smart access control, smart home, smart lock and smart lighting, and creates the ecological chain of LEELEN products with the Internet of everything. With the one-stop whole-house smart home decoration shopping platform of LEELEN Mall, it has arranged 2,000 "whole-house smart · Home decoration · brand direct selling" LEELEN smart living experience pavilion in China, creating a differentiated new retail model of online + offline.


Every award reflects LEELEN's pursuit in the smart track of the whole house, and also demonstrates LEELEN's extraordinary brand strength. In the future, LEELEN will uphold ingenuity, bring better products and faster services to users, and create a five-star quality life.

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